Additional Context on the New USC U-Pass

My name is Caleb, I’m in the second year of my program at PIBBS where I research climate change and public health. I’m emailing today with some more context around the news that USC will be providing U-Passes for every enrolled student. Graduate Student Workers...

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6/15 Bargaining Session Update

June 16, 2023 I’m Stepp (he/him), a 5th year PhD candidate in Environmental Engineering. During yesterday’s session, Graduate Student Workers *packed* the bargaining room. Over 80 GSWs showed up in solidarity while the bargaining team proposed three key equity-related...

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6/6 Bargaining Session Update

I’m Pırıl Nergis; if you don’t know me, I’m one of the GSWOC-UAW bargaining team members. I’m emailing you today with a few important notes from yesterday’s bargaining session with USC administration, including a very exciting update on appointments and job security!...

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6/1 Bargaining Session Update

I’m Megan Cassingham, a 4th year PhD candidate in Chemistry. I’m excited to share with you how yesterday’s bargaining session went.  The bargaining team was able to achieve two Tentative Agreements (TAs) with USC Administration, on Travel and Posting. Importantly,...

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