Response to the Vice Provost for Academic Programs

January 11, 2023 Earlier today, USC’s Vice Provost for Academic Programs sent out an email to all graduate student workers suggesting that forming a union would not be in our best interest, specifically with respect to stipends and benefits. GSWs have been involved in...

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Welcome Back! GSWOC Events and Updates

January 9, 2023 Happy New Year and welcome back! We are hitting the ground running this semester as we prepare for the next steps in our union victory. Upcoming EventsWe held our first Collective Bargaining training last week. If you missed it, you can join us for our...

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Today we filed for our union!

Exciting news - today USC Grad Student Workers filed for a union election with the National Labor Relations Board! Along with the petition for a union election, a delegation of Grad Student Workers delivered union authorization cards signed by a supermajority (over...

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